To me personally the side puts forward, especially when you take a stop loss,
it was really a long time since I took one!
I hope that some friends are happy because they questioned the fact that you took did not stop,
but more than friends to mè interested myself because at the end of the month
I am satisfied that everything that you have to pay for my family and never a € I received from others especially when muorivo of hunger!
But back to the stop loss we took me nervous and a lot but it has served to remind me to be human …………
the true rule to bring home pennies is wait all setup … …
I do not know if anyone has ever seen the movie “THE ROUNDER” a film based on the true story of a poker champion
that only after learning to manage emotions win with the cards and win in life!
Hello everyone and good weekend ….
This analysis is not an invitation to invest!
Borsa: Piazza Affari e Wall Street, Analisi 14 Gennaio 2025
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