WEEKLY TRADE 03/12/2012 – 07/12/2012

Friday I was in Naples for Italian Trading Forum, a meeting of very thick Financial,
in fact the speakers are traders, and I think there is no better way than to listen to the voice
of bringing into play every day makes the job the professional investor and speculator not as many people think …..
the professional investor is part of the food chain and the economy and is the protection!
but few know what I mean, as EO ignore the essence of life, or have never earned a penny by building and working on your own!
however, renewal always miegi wishes and congratulations to those who create something useful and important for the culture,
so congratulations to friends Traderlink, TradingLibrary and SOS TRADER.
Today the markets go down, for m is still a great chance we’ll see ……
This analysis is not an invitation to invest!
stoxx101212 sp101212 isp101212
ftsemib eurfx101212 bund101212
06 12 2012 weB 04 - 05 12 2012 weB 04 - 05 12 2012 iwB 06 12 2012 iwB

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