WEEKLY TRADE 29/04/2013 – 03/05/2013


living is the new record in the American market,
trading since 1998 and I had never considered how important it was to live the historical moments,
which is bearish bullish, in fact I took so many stop the baby part of my career;-P .. ..
When the time is ripe, the trader begins to understand what the experience is crucial in order to survive and live on this job,
and then the Top and Bottom begin to be enjoyed and appreciated.
The experience tiaiuta also understand, as managers analysts nobel prizes and so on and so forth, during the TV interviews,
are angry because of their opposing views and habitual market;-P
Here a personal analysis, ie, it is important to understand the difference between theory and practice between having positions in the portfolio or study them,
this avvine only when you push the little button or call your broker to do things.
good weekend and trading at all
This analysis is not an invitation to invest!
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