This week there is a change of trend in progress, will last about twenty thandays and we’ll see if it will be confirmed,
in fact some swing top reports should be directed towards new markets bottom and from there we will see the importance of the media,
this has been a tough week but important for me, I had to give for the first time to a business / pleasure / training as the important Italian Tradin Forum of Rimini.
But right now my family needs me, good weekend to the next;-)
This analysis is not an invitation to invest!
Borsa: Piazza Affari e Wall Street, Analisi 14 Gennaio 2025
81 / 100 Powered by Rank Math SEO Piazza Affari ha chiuso la giornata con un rimbalzo significativo, superando quota 35.000 punti. Oggi, 14 gennaio 2025, le borse europee e americane hanno mostrato segni di